The Frosted Window

The Frosted Window

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Speaking of morning ablutions…..(which we weren’t)…..

There’s a frosted window in our bathroom…..

…..”the Throne Room”…..

…..right adjacent to the toilet is a small rectangular/frosted window…..

… to your right knee while you’re sitting…..

There’s a lot of entertainment to be had watching that window…..

…..while you are otherwise “indisposed”…..

In the daytime…..while on the “po”…..

…’re entertained by butterflies…..anoles…..dragonflies…..and other assorted critters who wander past or perch on the outside on the sill…..

Outside “The Frosted Window”…

… night-time you get the nocturnal equivalent…..

…..usually it’s a conglomerate of various toads and tree frogs along with big clattering bugs…..

…..they’re all parading their bellies and nether-regions on total display to whoever’s sitting on the throne…..

But what’s really startling…..

… when a Wolfhound’s silhouette suddenly appears on the other side of the window…..

…..watching your murky image through the textured glass…..

Several of them have learned to sit outside the window and bark while you’re on the john…..

It appeals to their warped-hound-sense-of-humor…..

…..and adds to your constipation…..

…’s like the Hounds of the Baskervilles looming outside…..

In the daytime…..they’re dark and foreboding…..

…..but at night-time…..they appear like glowing apparitions (front-lit by the bathroom’s light with the black swamp as their back-drop)…..

…’s enough to either kick your IBS into over-drive or stove-you-up for a lifetime…..

I’m fairly sure this all falls into the category of TMI…..(***What’s This “TMI”?***)

…..but it’s entertaining…..

… I thought I’d pass it along…..

…..(sometimes my boundaries of social-appropriate-ness get a bit blurry)…..


…..(that’s a fun word to say…isn’t it?)…..

…..(say it five times fast…’s like kind of like your sneezing)…..

…………………………….I’ll stop now…………………………….






#houndsofthebaskervilles, #ablutions, #anole, #ibs, #irishwolfhound, #tmi

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