*****The Fifth Of July*****

*****The Fifth Of July*****

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It’s the day after the Fourth of July…..

A good time was had by all…(except for some exhausted frenetic dogs)…..

Today…we’ll be having left-overs—baked beans…corn-on-the-cob…barbecue…the usual…..

…..always good on the second day…..

The various streets and sidewalks smell like burnt gunpowder and sulphur from matches…..

The residue of Roman candles, bottle rockets and sparkler wires are everywhere…..

Those of us with animals are taking a deep breath…and a sigh of relief…..

I always worry about the horses…and the fireworks……

…..oh…let’s just face it………….I always worry…..

But…we are fortunate…..

…..our hounds are very laid back and chill when it comes to firecrackers and mini-explosions…..

My friend Tess has Cairn terriers now…and I’m not sure how they take the exploding mini-bombs in their neighborhood…..

…..but when she had Airedale terriers…they were fit-to-be-tied with any kind of explosions…..

I felt bad for her…I felt bad for them…..

I’ve seen different products on the market that can possibly help dogs deal with fireworks and thunderstorms…..

***(Dog Noise & Storm Phobias)***

…..our area of Florida has wicked electrical storms…..

My friend…(and Brave’s trainer)…Rhiannon lost her mare to a lightening strike last month…..

…..I wish I could say it’s an unusual occurrence………….but it’s not…..

I’ve heard of types of blankets that bundle dogs and help them feel more secure and less frightened during storms and loud explosive celebrations…..

I haven’t tried them…I’d have to wake up the Wolfhounds first…just to give them a try…..

The Fourth of July is right up there with incendiaries…along with New Year’s Eve…..

Fortunately for us…our horses are super laid back…and our hounds are too…..

I…(however)…continue to be on guard…and continue to worry…..

It’s just my nature…..







#gunpowder #fourthofjuly #fireworks #lightening #airedaleterrier #irishwolfhound #cairnterrier

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