~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

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Well…we’re deep into Hurricane Season…and so far…there haven’t been any big storms…..

Hurricane Debby wrecked a lot of damage and flooding…in areas that aren’t considered flood zones(?)…..

It’s still an enigma…one that everyone is trying to figure out…..

But here we sit at the end of August…and we’re squeaking along…quietly keeping our fingers crossed…..

It’s the beginning of September that is truly the peak of the active hurricane season…with storms both before and after that date…..

But Mother Nature does what she wants to…when she wants to…so like I said…we are just quietly tiptoeing through…hoping to slip by unnoticed…..

Our favorite meteorologists keep showing us maps of what might be helping us this year…..

*******The Dust Storms From The Sahara Desert*******

They traditionally travel off the west coast of Africa…across the Atlantic Ocean…over us…and into the Gulf of Mexico…..

They usually do that in the spring and early summer months…but this year…they’re continuing to billow our way…..

If you compare these two maps…notice the storms forming “below” the Saharan dust…

…..and that’s helpful…..

Because it seems to keep the big storms south of those blowing clouds of dust(?)…I’m not a meteorologist…I don’t understand the nuances…but I really want to embrace the concept…..

December 01, 2023
August 21, 2023
September 12, 2023

It was easy to recognize the dust in our hazy air…the sunrises and sunsets have been beautiful and very colorful…I guess from the refracting desert sand(?)…..

In fact we were told that Hurricane Debby slipped through a break in the trans-Atlantic winds that were carrying the dust…..

I’m hoping the blowing desert continues for awhile…..

The weather people have said that it’s unusual for the desert’s dusty winds to last as long as they have this summer…(but I’ll take whatever I can get)…..

So now I’ll add Saharan Dust Storms to the helpful meteorological terms that I’ve picked up over the years…it’s earned its slot in the list along with El Niño…La Niña…and Wind Shear…..

…..(I do love a good high-level wind shear)…..

Wind Shear and Saharan Dust have become music to my (sandy) ears during our Annual Hurricane Season…..

Soon Mother Nature will settle into her cozy Autumn…(hopefully without too much more drama)…..






#saharadust #fema 

#noaa #nationalmeteorlogicalsociety #hurricanedebby #elnino #lanina #windshear #saharadesert

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