~The Doctor Who Marathon~

~The Doctor Who Marathon~

The Doctor’s In The House…..

The Tardis

The week between Christmas Day and New Years Day is annually devoted to a “Doctor Who” Marathon in our household…..

It’s a nerd’s T.V. Extravaganza…..

My husband’s an ex-jock…..

I’m an Athletic Trainer and an ex-athlete myself…..

…..and for our first off-spring…..

…..we produced a bouncing baby…..


…..What Happened!?!…..

I do not know…..

(we have vivid imaginations…)

…..our combined genetics left us down…..

We had the soccer/cricket/tennis/track/equine/fencing sports-genetics covered…..

(continued fantasy world)

…..and what happened…..

…..a nerd…..

…..(you should see what happens if you splash water in her face in a swimming pool!)…..

Don’t get me wrong…..she’s a nice nerd…..I’ve even learned to talk nerd-speech…..

…..I really do love her…..

…..and I take advantage of her techno-geek-qualities on a regular basis…..

But she’s a total geek through and through…..

…..and she attracts other geeks…..

There’s a homing-beacon…..or a sonic-ping……or something between them…..

…..maybe the Batman-beam…..(…..don’t get me started…..)

So…..as a result of her nerd-ness and geek-dome…..

…..I’ve recently become immersed in “Doctor Who-isms”…..

………….(I can hear the collective & surprised inhalations from all of the Kingdom of Nerds out there)………….

Hey, you guys…..there’s an entire world of people who can’t identify Doctor Who #8 from Doctor Who #11…………trust me…….!

Neither  Doctor  #8  Nor  #11…..(BTW…..this is Doctor #4)…

I did buy Dalek Christmas tree ornaments for my daughter…..so I can’t be “that” bad…..

…..I DO try to communicate in geek-nerd…..

*****Daleks Explained*****

But it’s not easy…..

(ssshhhhhhhhhhhhh…..I do enjoy the “Doctor Who” marathon…..)

(I even have my favorites…..)

(I think I like the Van Gogh episode the best…..)

(and I hate those stupid statues that you can’t blink around…..)

Plus…..I think I have to add a fez to my hat collection now…..

…..I could enjoy wearing a fez to the grocery store…..I think Patrice would agree…..

*****Fish Custard*****

………….(but I don’t think I’ll ever like fish fingers and custard)………….






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