*The Days After The Ween*

*The Days After The Ween*

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*****(More Information on Allhallowtide Triduum)*****

Who knew?…..

…..I mean I knew about All Saints Day…and the Day of the Dead in Mexico…..

*****(Mexico’s Dias De Los Muertos)*****

But wait…there’s more…..

…..the history is fascinating…..

…..the marigolds and the story behind “La Catrina” are really interesting…..

*****(Why Marigolds?)*****

*****(La Catrina)*****

*****(Chile and The Day Of The Dead)*****

These holidays have been around a lot longer than Black Friday or Cyber Monday…that’s for sure…..

It’s all as the world turns…year after year…watermarks of different cultures…..

*****(Peru and The Day Of The Dead)*****

…..I do need you to know that I’m typing this with Twix-covered fingers and a chocolate-smeared keyboard…..

…..(but hey…learning comes in all forms…don’t judge me)……

I can get lost in computer searches…one thing leads to another…and then another…..

*****(Ecuador and The Day of the Dead)*****

I remember my Mom sitting on the floor…in the middle of a bunch of encyclopedia books spread out all around her…..

…..she would just read and read for hours and hours…one topic after another…..

…..usually she would do this under the guise of helping me with a homework assignment…..

…..but it almost always got transmuted into a different tunnel of curiosity after my schoolwork was done…..

I have to say…as much as I balk at technology…sitting down with a laptop is so much easier than thumbing through stacks and stacks of books alphabetically…and by topic…..

…..(Good ole’ Melvil Dewey and his Decimal System)…..

*****(Multiple Countries & Their Celebrations of The Day of the Dead)*****

…..I like Guatemala’s celebration with kites…(there are no public domain photos that do them justice…the above attachment does if you scroll down)…..

Laptops make getting lost down rabbit holes so much easier…..

…..(hours and hours can still slip by)…..

…..(broken book spines…dog-eared pages…and paper-cuts have given way to carpal tunnel syndrome)…..

But the end results are the same…..

…..Illuminating Wonders to Behold…..

So many of the pre & post Halloween celebrations are super-interesting…and some…..

…..quite scary…..

I’ve included some of the tamer depictions of a few island traditions…..

*****(Haiti and The Day of the Dead)*****

I think I’ll stick with over-imbibing in my Twix bars and their subsequent sugar-handover…..

My Dad had a famous quote…(after his 1980’s frustrations at learning DOS and remembering passwords)…..

…..”There’s nothing of interest for me on the internet”…..

…..I’ve been tempted on several occasions to copy that quote in calligraphy and frame it…..

…..maybe I should give technology another chance(?)…..

…..it might have some value…(I wouldn’t have known about the Guatemalan kites otherwise)…..

Happy Weens…all of them…..





#lenovo #hpcomputers #acercomputers #haiti #microsoftcomputers

#allhallowseve #allsaintsday #allsoulsday #allhallowtidetriidum, #twixcandy #dell #applecomputers

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