~~~The County Dump~~~

~~~The County Dump~~~

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I love the Dump…..

It’s an intriguing and interesting place…..

I try to avoid it on humid/hot days…for the obvious/olfactory reasons…..

…..on rainy days…wear boots…there’s always some unidentifiable ooze…..

I should go more often…..

Junk to one person…can be an incredible treasure to another…(me)…..

When we ultimately take our trash and junk to the dump…it’s really worn out…..

There’s little to no mileage left…once we’re finished with something…..

But other people throw out such cool what-nots…..

…..so many neat/old chairs who just need some TLC and a new seat…..

…..(I’ve got the book…I’ve got the reeds…I just need to soak them (the caning not the book)…and apply myself)…..

There are always old frames that are discarded…usually in pieces…but they can be resurrected…with a little care and effort…..

…..and I always need frames for my stained glass projects…..

I’ve found some of my best cast iron pieces that were discarded and rusty…..

…..a little sandpaper…a little elbow-grease…and some finished seasoning…..

…..and you not only have a long-lasting piece for cooking…but also a serviceable dumb-bell that doubles as a fitness-aid…..

County dumps are great for furnishings…as long as the “distressed look” stays in fashion…..

We found our solid-wood dining room table (with multiple leaves and extensions) at a salvage shop for peanuts…..

…..apparently people don’t want big/family dining room tables anymore…(but we do)…..

My family hasn’t worked out yet that the dump should be put on “that” list of things I’m not allowed to play with anymore…..

…..SuperGlue…Angle-Grinders (with Cutting Wheels)…and the County Dump…..

…..they should ALL be off-limits for me…..

On that note…I have a truck full of junk to take to the dump soon…..

Who knows what I’ll find there…beauty is in the eye of the beholder…..

…..I wonder what I’ll come home with…..?…..

…..Thelma & Louise (two of our past barn kitties) came from the dump…..






#countydump #citydump #salvage #caning #anglegrinder #superglue

2 thoughts on “~~~The County Dump~~~

  1. My mother loved going to the town dump. There was actually a dump attendant! If you did not live in Norfolk, ( a town of about 1,000 people) back then and now, you could not dump your garbage. You had to have proof of residency or know the dump attendant!

    1. Our dump requires proof of residency too…I wonder what higher-rent dumps would be like? Ours even weighs our truck going in and going out…(maybe to keep track of how much stuff I take out?)

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