~~~The Children~~~

~~~The Children~~~

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I raised my two daughters like they were puppies…..

But in this situation…..I am not talking about my bi-ped babies…..

Val & My Older Daughter…

…..I’m talking about my furry babies…..

…..Sabine, Sloane, & Val…..

…..Our Three Muses…..

They are the girls from the deluge of Irish Wolfhound litters from about 1 1/2 years ago…..(I don’t EVER plan on doing THAT EVER EVER again)…..!

But the fuzzy-children are semi-domesticated & trained now…..

Val…Sabine…&…Sloane…(our furry Muses)…

…..if I were consistent…..or even had my own applicable boundries…..

…..they probably would be totally trained by now…..

Sloane & Sabine…..Our Dishwashers…

…..but…..they’re not…..

We’re all feral here…..

Val & Company…

…..why wouldn’t our house “pets” be too?…..

As a result…..the three muses aren’t allowed to have free run of our house yet…..


…..too much freedom would lead them into amok-dom…..if left to their own devices…..

At night they have to be put to bed in the bathroom in my bedroom…..

…..if they’re put in a confined space…..they quickly realize they can’t get away from their own indulgent dumps or puddles…..

…..I can hear everything they’re up to…..(usually)…..



…..they ate all of the flexible plumbing that connects the toilet to the metal spigots in the wall…..(the bidet’s too)…..


…..we are now on our second shower curtain…..

…..(I think they ate the magnets)…..

…..if we forget to flip the curtain up over the rod (and out of their reach) after every shower…..

…..they’ll use it for impromptu confetti…..

…..plus…..we have to keep the bar of soap in the other room…..

…..soap and dog bowels are never a good mixture…..

…..I know these things…..

…..and I don’t want to talk about it…..

…..I’m usually involved in the clean-up crew…..and I speak from vast experience in that profession…..

The muses are coming along…..

…..they dismantled the doorknob on the porch…..mauled a walkie-talkie…..

…..they do have a propensity for bars of soap and luffas…..


………………………but we’ll get there…..eventually………………………

At least we’ve gotten past high tide on the Saltillo tile where pee’s are concerned…..

…..so that’s a plus…..right…..?…..






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