The Bone-Collector

The Bone-Collector


When the cooler weather decides to saunter in, I intend to clean out the garage…………..but, it was in the 80’s again today………….so, no.

I may have hoarding tendencies…

I probably have hoarding tendencies…


Okay, I hoard but I really don’t want to admit it…

Firstly, the word “hoarding” is an overly-harsh and critical word…………….what’s viewed as hoarding to one person……………is a discerning collection of preciousness to another…



I like bright sparklies…

I collect bright sparklies…




Sometimes the things I collect don’t have to be sparkly at all……….they just have to appeal (to me—-and only to me)-(beauty is in the eye of the hoarder).


I’m sure I’ll have to do a separate post for what I scrape out of the dark, web-cobby-corners on the back, disheveled shelves.




I can already see some dusty oddities in the murky recesses from the accessible safety of the walkway through the garage.


But it’s all good stuff……………….”they” are all keepers.



Good stuff.



But what I really wanted to write about was the new “bright sparklies” that I found.

Bison Back Bone

They were in the yard on the ground by the hay bales.

Bison Bones



——-Big Bones.



I could tell by the spinal cord apertures that they came from an animal that was bigger than a beef cow.

I did my research.

Bison Bones



I Yahoo’d for images and found that they were from the spinal column of a bison.



I checked with my feed guy and he said the compressed alfalfa comes from northern Idaho…………………….you know……………….where the deer and the buffalo play?

Goat Stomach Bezoar


Yesterday while doing fence repairs, I ran across two goat skulls and bones and ANOTHER bezoar!

***See: “Mother Nature/Respect Required”



I believe that was where the lightening-struck/bloated-goats moored themselves as they floated down stream when the water was high in the back swamp.

Ibis Skull & Beak


Earlier this year I found an Ibis skull back there.



We’ve always found deer skulls and bones…………..

………….that’s a rough place back there…

Here’s something else that I re-found again on top of the new workbench………….the jawbone of a wild pig……………almost sounds Biblical doesn’t it?


But you know, I’ve never found any shed antlers from the big buck deer that I know are all around here.


Years ago my Father said that was because they didn’t last long once they were on the ground…………..that all the mice and squirrels and smaller critters would quickly gnaw on them for their necessary calcium…



That made good sense to me…




So, now I’m on a foot race with mice to see who can find the dropped deer antlers first…

Bison Vertebrae Candle Holder





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