~~~The Blog Post That Wasn’t~~~

~~~The Blog Post That Wasn’t~~~

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I’m having technical difficulties…..

I have several posts written…ready to go…in draft form…..

…..(in the can?)…..

…..the written text is there…but I have some very important photos…still stuck in my camera…..

…..on one of those chip-things…that has taken the place of a roll of film…..

And then there’s the short doo-dah-thing that attaches the camera-chippie-thing to the computer…..

…..and voilà…after that…the photos immediately & miraculously show up on the computer…no development necessary…no negatives involved…..

But that necessary wire-connector-thingie has gone missing…..

I’ll need to replace the wire-connector-thingie ASAP…..

…..I really hope Acacias didn’t eat it…..


…..maybe the cats batted it under the couch…along with the dropped Fritos and Pop-Tart crumbs…..

Honestly I don’t even know what it’s called…but for being so small…turns out…it’s real important…..

I’ve got the weekend to figure out what it is…get another one…from somewhere…once I figure out what this little important doo-dah’s name is…..

…..maybe I should call it Gustaf………….well………….Gustaf is MIA…..

I’m sure there are probably quicker…more technologically efficient…(a.k.a.—better (?) ways of doing things)…..

But why start now(?)…my cobbled-up approach has worked so far…..

I’m used to my little camera…zippered into the recesses of Patrice’s pockets…ready at a moment’s notice…..

…..(well…except for the mystery-goo congealed around its lens and the sand & lint stuck to its buttons)…..

It would’ve all worked out just fine…except for the missing Gustaf…..

Wish me luck finding a new one…or re-discovering (a still useable/non-chewed-up) original one…..

Sorry for the boring post…I guess it will have to be chalked up to “Technical Difficulties”…..

…..(and a missing Gustaf-doo-dah)…..







#usbports #computerwires #rechargingwires 

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