~~~The Back Porch Project~~~

~~~The Back Porch Project~~~

This project has been hanging fire for years…….

…..at leasts five…..I think…

…..once it’s finished…..the additional square footage will be great…

…..Jimmy Billy is heading up the renovations…..so I’m confident it is in good hands…

…..keeping the hounds (and their sandy feet) a little further from the inside of the house…

…..that will be wonderful…

When the Wolfhounds come in from outside…..they are sand magnets…

…..when they come inside and lay down on the tile…..they leave a sand-silhouette that looks a lot like a chalked outline of a crime scene…

Tile For The Porch

…..we haven’t been able to see through the glass doors because of the multitude of hound goober-nose-smears…

…..we have a lot of hounds…..of various ages…..and various heights…

…..but the end result is that the nose-smears totally occlude the visibility through the glass doors…

When the porch is completed…..however…..there will be a pristine view…

…..because the Wolfhounds will be outside one more set of doors…

I’ll be able to continue with my stained glass again, too…

…..I’ve been banished from cutting glass on the dining room table…

…..I think it had something to do with shards of glass being found on the floor and the chairs and in the table cloth…

………………………they were colorful, pretty pieces of glass though……………………..


I’ll finally be able to put all of the wind chimes back up AND there will be ceiling fans that actually work and can blow around the chimes…

I’m hoping it will all be able to be completed before this coming autumn…

I’d like to be able to take advantage of the added windows and the cross-breeze when the house is opened up again after this summer’s heat…

………….one can only hope………….





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