The Afternoon Loop

The Afternoon Loop

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…the garage supplies…

Preventing illness and injury is far better than dealing with the aftermath…..

Over the years…I’ve tried to keep track of who needs what booster shots and/or medicines…..

I’ve either done it by memory…or by season…then the wall calendar…then it was a floppy disk…then back to the RoloDex…now on to a SmartPhone…..

But…not my SmartPhone…my older daughter’s…my phone is smarter than me…and I judge it for that…and I avoid it whenever & wherever possible…..

Combining chores is always helpful and less time consuming…but you can end up with balancing too many buckets…and pans…and vials…and whatnots…..

So we developed our regular afternoon loop…of whatever needs doing…..

I’ve got the syringes & medicine bottles & assorted doo-dads…..

My older daughter carries the pig’s pans…my younger daughter carries the horse bucket…and Patrice’s pockets get jammed with assorted/necessary things…and carrots…..

First we swap out Beau’s & Clover’s empty pans for full ones (for their second meal of the day)…..

Clover enjoying her repast…

Then on to the baby goats…for their coccidia treatment…..

*****(Coccidiosis in Goats)*****

It’s an orally delivered syringe (without the needle) of Sulamet once a day…for five days… (it doesn’t taste too bad either)…(a little salty)…..

*****(Treating with Sulamet)*****

*****(Backyard Goats Website)*****

…..but chasing down nine crafty/fast goatlings is not easy…holding them still and not drowning them with their medicine…is not easy either…..

…..and how I ended up with one of the doeling’s hooves in my mouth…still confuses me…..

But we did it…for five days straight…and of course…Brave got into the routine and couldn’t be ignored…..

He easily got into the habit of knowing that he was next on the list for his afternoon carrot treats…..

He was always at the closest fence line waiting for us to finish with the babies…..

After the five day series…we did some probiotic replacement treatment along with a shot of Vitamin B-complex…(it might be the same vial that I use on myself)…(it might be)…(those 18-gauge needles really sting)…..

What I didn’t mention was that I was repeatedly stabbed in the stomach…by the big carrots in my overall (Patrice’s) pockets…..

Those things really hurt and they leave a mark…aggressive tubers…..

…..that’s what would happen every time I had to bend over to skruntch under the electric fence…(they were like vegetable torpedoes)…..

And…that’s what one of our more normal afternoons are like…..

There’s always one thing or another that needs doing…..







#eimeria #backyardgoats #drumhorse #

#albon #sulfamethazine #corid #amprolium #deccox #rumensin #bovatec #idha

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