~~~That Muddy Lump~~~

~~~That Muddy Lump~~~


This is a continuation of the muddy situation in the last post…..

This is what Problem #1 was all about…..

That muddy lump in the pig sty…..

See The Lump Between The Pigs And Me

…..was not just a muddy lump…..

….when I slogged over to that afore-mentioned-feathery-blob…..

…..it turned out to be a mud-covered hen…..

…..wallowing and thoroughly mired in the mud…..

Remember that one silly/stupid hen who insisted on perching & roosting on one of the corner posts of the pig sty?…..

…..rather than going back to the safety of the chicken coop at night?…..

…..well…..what we were worried would happen…..did happen…..

An Unhappy Bird

Apparently the hen was knocked off of her poor-choice-of-a-perch…..

…..by an owl…..or a hawk…..or something else equally predacious…..

…..she was knocked into the mud and couldn’t extricate herself…..

Bird Bath

She just got muddier and deeper and more stuck with her efforts…..


…..when Patrice and I scaled the fence and the mud of the pig pen…..

…..I waded over to where the muddy/mired bird was…..

…..and I unceremoniously pulled her out of the sucking mud and “yeeted” (remember that cool/new/hip word?)-(See-Glossary) her over the fence…..

After rescuing the piglets…..

…..I hosed off the muddy hen…..

…..and my daughter put her in the coop to dry off…..

Maybe the bird learned a lesson…..

…..maybe not…..

…..they do have very tiny little heads…..

…..there’s not much room up there for excessive intellect…..

Stupid Bird
And The Vultures Continue To Wait Patiently…






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