~~~Thanksgiving Prep~~~

~~~Thanksgiving Prep~~~

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Yep…..it’s here again…..

The turkey’s thawed…..

The cats are batting the yams on the kitchen counter…..

AND a brisket was purchased…..!!!…..

…..(I do love myself a good brisket)…..

Isn’t that just what everybody needs on a day of feasting on a ginormous turkey!?!…..

…..Extra Meat!…..

But preparing a sumptuous brisket is an adventure…..a veritable slow journey down a wandering promenade to succulent wonderfulness……

…..(like I said…..I do like myself a good brisket)…..

It takes hours upon hours to slow cook and render down…..

…..and while doing so…..it bastes and permeates all of the vegetables that are nestled underneath…..

…..and then early in the wee hours of the morning…..while your still sleeping…..that wonderful aroma wafts over you…..

…..the carrots…..the onions…..the celery…..ahhhh…..the brisket…..

And then…..you just know…..life is inherently good…..and everything is going to be all right…..

Let’s face it…..

Turkeys are great………….but………….give me a well-cooked brisket any day of the week…..

…..I DO like deep-fried turkeys…..

…..there’s nothing better than that crispy skin…..

…..and the moist meat (because of the searing in peanut oil)…..


…..(you know…..I really don’t think I’m an omnivore…..there’s not any omni-involvement here)…..

…..(well maybe the smothered carrots and onions under the brisket)…..(they count don’t they?)…..

So along with the regularly scheduled entertainments…..

…..I think our Thanksgiving Day plans are set…..

First the Macy’s Day Parade…..that’s mandatory…..

*****The Radio City Rockettes*****

…..(we watch for the Radio City Rockettes and the Budweiser Clydesdales)…..

…..(the Rockettes are lucky if they don’t have to follow the Clydesdales)…..

Then we’ll cap it all off with the National Dog Show…..

Life is Good…..

Happy Thanksgiving…..





#omnivore #friedturkey

#thanksgiving #radiocityrockettes #budweiserclydesdale #nationaldogshow #brisket #macysparade

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