Terriers Making Bad Choices

Terriers Making Bad Choices

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I think the world is a better/safer place because terriers don’t have opposable thumbs…..

They are sneaky/fur-covered bomb-shells that connive & calculate…..

…..quite often to their own demise or detriment…..

Enter Drogo…..

~~~The Errant Jack Russell Terrier~~~

…..the key word…..?


Meal-time here can be a chaotic dance…..

It needs to be well-choreographed…..

…..and then it might possibly run smoothly…..

But…..miss a step in that dance…..

…..and the world can go to doo-doo very quickly…..

Seven Irish Wolfhounds, a Jack Russell, and a flouncy Papillon…..

…..all eating different foods and different quantities…..in different places…..

Certain personalities have to go behind closed doors…..locked into the laundry room…..or relegated to one corner of the kitchen…..

ALL of the dogs know when your attention is diverted…..

…..they live & breath for that opportunity to run amok…..

…..(my world is always one stutter-step away from submerging under the amok)…..

We had thought the other morning was proceeding as planned…..

…..Molly hadn’t tried to disembowel Killian…..(yet)…..

…..Killian hadn’t crushed Molly’s esophagus (so far)…..

…..(the wheaten’s always eat separately)…..


…..What About The Terrier?…..

…..He Was So Very Quiet In My Older Daughter’s Room…..?…..

…..What Could He Possibly Be Up To…..?…..


Well…..let me tell you…..

…..from her bed…..he jumped about four feet to the top of one desk…..

…..then he leapt to the adjoining desk…..

…..he traversed the art supplies and canvases…..(and the forty degree incline)…..

…..to reach the hanging grocery bag…..which he somehow emptied…..

…..and then selected the jar of “sleep gummies” (herbal-night-time-sleep-aides)…..

…..somehow…..he got the screw-cap off…..


…..and ate 60…..LX…SIXTY….. six times ten of them…..!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!

He smelled like artificial-cherry with a hint of mint…..



The internet tells you how to induce vomiting in a dog…..

…..syringe down Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) at one teaspoon per five pounds…..

*****How To Make A Dog Hurl*****

One teaspoon equals almost five mL…..

*****There Were Variations In The Hurling-Recipes*****

…..so a fifteen pound Drogo would be about 15mL…..

Well…..in for a penny…..in for a pound…..

I think we finally stopped syringing Hydrogen Peroxide somewhere between four and five…..

…..sixty mL syringes…..

Hey…..don’t judge us…..he ate A LOT of those herbal gummies!…..

…..we wanted to make sure that we re-visited them ALL on the kitchen floor!…..

I was even sipping the Hydrogen Peroxide to make sure it was foaming properly…..

*****Ultimately…………………Drogo DID throw up*****

…..actually it was a major spew!…..

…..and it was cherry-smelling with a hint of mint!…..

Drogo is now hale and hearty…..

…..and mad at us…..

Well…..we’re mad at him too…..so there!…..

…..plus our kitchen smells like cherry mixed with mint…..

Celebrate the little things…..





#irishwolfhounds, #inducevomiting, #vomit,

#gummybears, #gummies, #jackrussellterriers, #hydrogenperoxide, #terriers,

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