Terrier & Hounds-tooth…(ha!)

Terrier & Hounds-tooth…(ha!)

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No…..not the fabric pattern…..(Houndstooth…..get it?)…..


When I was young…..we never considered brushing our dog’s teeth…..

I don’t remember giving any of our horses any vaccinations either…..

…..maybe in the 1950’s…..it wasn’t something you did?…..

…..in the 1960’s…..I don’t remember worming anyone ever?…..

Did those things happen back then…..?…..

Were we remiss owners…..?…..

…..I don’t know…..I don’t remember…..

But that’s not the case now…..

EVERYONE (who isn’t quick) gets wormed…..

EVERYONE gets vaccinated…..

And horses get their teeth “floated”…..

And dogs get their teeth brushed…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~whether they want it or not~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(FYI:  They Never Want It)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

An Unhappy/Blurry Drogo…..but you get the idea…

There are now these fun/little finger-cots for brushing small dogs teeth…..

My older daughter and I think they’re fun…..

…..the dogs don’t…..

The Irish Wolfhounds need standard scrub brushes…..

And the horses get sedated with a speculum cranked open in their mouth…..

…..so Doctor Stevie Wonder can get inside their mouths to file down their teeth…..

…..otherwise…..horses literally get “long-in-the-tooth”…..

But Back To Brushing The Canines On The Canines…..(HA!)…..

…..with all of the specially-flavored dog-toothpastes ($$$)…..

…..they hate it…..

…..Oh, well…..

…..to quote my Father…..they have to put up with it…..because…..

……”They Don’t Pay The Mortgage”…..

So we sit on their heads…..pry open their plaque-pasted maws…..

…..and get down to work…..

Most people play canasta, or bridge or tat…..in their spare time…..

…..instead…..we scrape plaque off the dog’s teeth…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(I need to get out more…..)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(FYI…..Today is Drogo’s and Ben’s birthday…..)





#tatting, #scrubbrush, #fingercot, #houndstooth,

#speculum, #toothbrush, #long-in-the-tooth, #plaque, #floating teeth, #canasta,

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