~~~Temporary Digs~~~

~~~Temporary Digs~~~

The Teenagers

My daughters and I were able to hay-string together a “temporary” home for the new Mama Pig and her babies…..

…..there’s SO much mud out there…..

…..and…..we just got more rain…..

Same Pen…..Same Teenagers…..More Mud

…..and there’s more rain coming in all of the forecasts…..

I used the fence post “thumper”…..(you remember the one that I flipped up in the air a couple of years ago and now I have a permanent ridge and divot in my head?)…..

Post-Thumper Head Owie



…..that’s the one…..

…..but this time…I carefully thwopped in the necessary T-posts…..

…..and dragged out an un-used (16′) welded-metal livestock panel…..along with some scrap pieces…..

…..then we used a boat-load of leftover hay-string…..

Temporary Sty versus Old Pig Sty

…..to lash-down…..cinch-up…..knot & tie all of the panel pieces to the T-posts using multiple over-hand knots and secure (yet stylish) bows…..

…..we were able to use the fence post thumper this time without blood spillage…..

T-Post Thumper

…..although my scalp-scars did have some recurrent sympathy pains…..

…..and…..I don’t want to mention the bruise I procured on my right boob…..

(from being too close while sliding a panel into place alongside a T-post)

(nope…..no photos of the bruise)

…..it brought tears to my eyes…..


…..you bet’cha!…..

…..somehow…..Patrice was not in the appropriate place to offer ANY protection or padding with her bibs…..

But all’s well that ends well…..

The (remaining…..yes, unfortuately…..the remaining) piglets have been able to get out of the dangerous/sucking mud…..

There’s an over-hang from a pre-existing roof that the mom and babies are able to get under during Florida’s late summer’s dramatic deluges…..

I can sleep better knowing that the piglets are safer-ish…..

New Dry Pen

It has the potential for keeping them higher and drier…..

…………………poor little muddy oinkers…………………





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