*Technology Escapes Me*

*Technology Escapes Me*

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I’m not good at it…

…..(Ben sneezed dirt on my camera lens)…..

I try very hard……….I try repeatedly…..

…..but it just turns into that mud that doesn’t stick to the walls…..

Technology is frustrating…..

…..Me & Patrice~~~My First “Selfie”…..

It’s exasperating…..

…..(Sam shares the same opinion)…..

…..(just who is this MS-DOS-Dude?)…..

It’s filled with complexities brought about and expressed in stupid “X’s” and “O’s”…..

…..I’m regularly outsmarted by “X’s” and “O’s”…..

*******(FYI—my older daughter just read this post (days later) and informed me that it’s NOT “X’s” and “O’s”…..but “1’s” and “0’s”)………….(oops…..but that kind of proves the point, doesn’t it?)*******

…..and cameras too…..

So Many Photos Up My Nostrils…..

I’ve probably permanently scorched my retinas by setting off flashes directly into my eyes…..

…..(by mistake)…..

…..(I’m under the bush hog pan in this photo)…..

Shadow Selfie






#msdos #computers #technology #selfie #camera #bushhog

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