TD…TS…Hurricane Debby…TS…TD

TD…TS…Hurricane Debby…TS…TD

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Remember that children’s book?—“The Little Engine That Could”?…..

Debby is that little hurricane that could…..

Who would’ve thought that Tropical Depression 4 would become so opportunistic…that she’d still be out there wrecking havoc on so many peoples’ lives!?!…..

She spluttered out of no where and just kept going…and growing?…..

She may make it up to my family in Ohio yet!…..

I even heard one meteorologist say that he wouldn’t be surprised if Debby did a u-turn and came back and hit Florida again(?)…..

…..(not funny)…..

So much of our area here in Florida is still underwater and flooded…there was just so much WATER…..

…..and it kept coming and leaking in from Everywhere!…..

Debby’s still at it up in the Carolina’s…well out of the Gulf of Mexico…and into the Atlantic Ocean…and a long way from her roots in the sapphire blue Caribbean Sea…..

…..So…So Much Water…..

We were Very lucky…..

A lot of those around us…were not…..

The most drama we had was playing late night Pied Pipers with the KuneKune pigs to get them out of their flooded pen and into a dry stall in the barn…..

…..and that was more of a comedy routine for my older daughter and me…in our confused Covid-ridden state…trying to make less than aerobically inclined KuneKune pigs follow us in the rain…in the dark…..

It was like trying to herd highly-distractible double-wide kittens…who couldn’t climb over a six inch diameter tree trunk…and wanted to taste ALL of the passing weeds…..

They didn’t care about our wheezing…or the bucketing rain…or the imminent lightening…..

They had their little waddle going and their own KuneKune agenda…..


But we finally tucked them into a dry stall…and there they will stay…maybe even until the end of hurricane season…..


Beau and Clover are not in the category of apex predator survivors…not even close…..

…..they live for tasty weeds…..

…..and warm…dry naps…..







#kunekunepigs #noaa #hurricanedebby #foxweatherchannel #foxnews

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