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Tag: WalMart

*The Coming Steam*

*The Coming Steam*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We try to get up early…… For the past months it’s been a regular routine…get up…open up the house…let in the morning air…and let out the night time staleness (i.e. slumbering hound flatulence)….. I’d like to say…I would be comfortable leaving the windows open all night long…but I’m not….. Some of the house’s windows are low…and too close to the outside ground….. Some of the windows have been replaced in the house where…

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*Appropriate Footwear*

*Appropriate Footwear*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It bears repeating………….Appropriate Footwear….. It’s an important necessity of life….. …..especially in a rural setting….. It’s certainly not the stylish stuff that’s displayed on pretty mannequins….. I’m not talking about voluntary/recreational hiking apparel either….. I’m talking about #@$%$#-kickers…and mud sloggers…and boot wear that allows you to survive the elements in relative dryness & safety….. Walmart “Wellies” are a mainstay….. Water-proof is a must…and steel-toed is necessary sometimes…height and durability is right up there…

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~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This will be a short post….. I figured that the following pictures would speak for themselves….. We order our groceries and other stuff once a month from Walmart….. It gets delivered…and left at the front gate…on our mounting block….. Walmart texts us to let us know when it’s coming & when it arrives….. We go out with a wheelbarrow and pick it up in a timely-fashion…you know because of the produce and frozen…

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***Covid-19 Adjustments***

***Covid-19 Adjustments***

We’ve all had to make adjustments with this global pandemic….. So many simple daily routines have gone by the wayside….. Elbow-smacks replace hugs….. …..(btw…..they’ll never replace hugs)….. People look naked now if they don’t have on face masks….. I’ve seen a cool trend of color-coordinating face masks with outfits….. …..(we knew that fashion-trend was just a matter of time)….. Maybe I could make masks out of denim over-all remnants…..(?)….. …..on second thought…..knowing what my over-all’s have been through….. …..why would…

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Assembly Line Food a.k.a. Hunt Club “Tea”

Assembly Line Food a.k.a. Hunt Club “Tea”

***************Our Tea*************** (No Tea will be offered)……………..Cosmopolitans, Screwdrivers, water (pleeeeeze!), Absinthe, and something that looks like a bomb from Captain Morgan…………….but no tea AND no coffee.  Sorry………………(no, not really). My younger daughter & I just did a hit on Walmart.  We’ve already done our run on ABC Liquors. I’m pooped.  I’m sitting now looking at the plastic bags hanging from doorknobs, draping from cabinets, hanging off of butcher blocks.  Piled on the floor.  Why is it that as soon as…

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Oh, But Wait—–There’s More

Oh, But Wait—–There’s More

Just when I was worried I was running out of things to journal about……………… #Life happens.       This would all go under the residual-Hurricane-Irma-effect.  Because it’s hard to electrify a fence when it’s mostly under-water. But where to start………?  All the goats in the front yard?             Nope…………….. This afternoon my daughter was trying to get ready for a really nice evening with her boyfriend at the orchestra.  I was doing the monthly…

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