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Tag: virus

+Cough Due To Cold+

+Cough Due To Cold+

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This last week was a write off………….yuckiness has invaded my body….. I realize…I really haven’t been this sick for years………….so I’ll keep my complaining to a minimum….. …..Ha!….. It’s just a virus and a bad head cold…not Covid………….(but at the core………….I’m really a whiner)….. Everyone within hearing distance knows I’m sick………….I’ve made it perfectly clear….. Tomorrow I intend to be better………….I do….. …..but for today…I’ve succumbed….. Oh…the ague…the aches….. … ears are ringing…I…

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…..Under The Weather…..

…..Under The Weather…..

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Some bug sought me out at the recent wedding we attended….. …..I’m not surprised….. The bride and groom’s  relatives came from all over the country for the event….. …..I can’t remember exactly…..but mostly they were from one of the “I” states….. …..(I’m going to take a guess at it being Iowa)….. The wedding day was very cold (for Florida)………….(not Iowa)….. …..and…

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Quick Post; Quick Up-Date;

Quick Post; Quick Up-Date;

  I’m ashamed to say………………I drank the Kool-Aid… I fumbled & bumbled & compromised my computer with a disease… ………..and we’ve only just dug out from a virus that crawled into the poor thing… Apple Support was able to fix & scour & bleach everything——-but it was only after my older daughter had been on the phone with the good Apple people for over four hours and then it all got kicked upstairs to their Engineering Department… ………..(I messed things…

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