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Tag: Udder



As predictions go….. …..was it Tuesday…..?….. …..or…..was it……Thursday…..?….. Yep…..?….. Nope….. I can’t resist putting in more udder photos here….. … know I can’t….. …..Claire’s not talking….. …..Brave’s a good-time-Charlie….. So all I have is my overly-compulsive use of my (apparently now derelict) little camera….. …..(I can’t keep up with technology… blink…..and you’re immediately out-of-date)….. …..(that’s another story/for another day)….. …..but in the meantime….. I’ll continue to chase Claire around with my reliable/obsolete camera….. …..and take photos of her udder… compare…

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~~~Udder Impatience~~~

~~~Udder Impatience~~~

Probably after reading this post and seeing my photographic time-line….. … will probably come to the same conclusion where a number of my friends and family members have already arrived….. …..that I need to stop with all of the photos of Claire’s udder…(and other under-things)….. Claire is (understandably) fed up with me and my camera….. …..she neither understands nor appreciates the flashbulb or the photographic-study of her belly and nether-regions….. Brave just thinks I’m being ridiculous….. Addy is glad that…

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~~~Good Teats & Bad Teats~~~

~~~Good Teats & Bad Teats~~~

*************I feel a desire to yodel coming on************* Move over Shirley Temple and Julie Andrews….. With the passel of kids…..comes mother goats producing milk…..or “in” milk….. We’ve had dairy goats for well over twenty years now… We’ve necessarily honed our expertise in milking….. …..and evaluating udders….. …..and knowing a good teat when we see one….. …..(yes, I did just say that)….. (***More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Dairy Goat Anatomy***) … be able to discuss a good escutcheon…

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