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Tag: twelve step program

A Decking Project

A Decking Project

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I had an idea…a little while ago….. If we had a deck…outside the back porch door then…(at the very least)…the hounds would have to traverse over it before coming inside the house….. …..before dropping all of the sand that was Velcro’ed to their coats and feet while they were outside….. Maybe…(hopefully)…the pack will ultimately prefer to lay on the deck…rather than wallowing and rolling in the dirt….. Well…that was my idea anyway….. And…

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*Good Luck Truck*

*Good Luck Truck*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I almost got my truck back….. We almost made it home….. But the oil wouldn’t stay inside the engine…. So we had to stop….. …..and I suppose my post could end right there….. We were so close to getting my truck back home….. … close….. My truck was all fixed and finished up and waiting to come home….. Suzanne-Annette’s loaner truck was cleaned and checked and filled….. The mechanic’s necessary expenses were paid……..

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My younger daughter predicts this coming Tuesday….. I predict this coming Thursday….. My older daughter is splitting the difference with Wednesday….. We are talking about when Claire will possibly foal….. … has been talked about before (ad nauseam)…’s a waiting game….. I don’t care if it’s a girl…..I don’t care if it’s a boy….. …..I just want Mom and baby to be healthy and happy with four hooves securely on the ground….. I know we are all thinking about last…

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