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Tag: Turkish Delight

The Month of Halloween

The Month of Halloween

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Tra!  La!  It’s here….. I love this month…..I love October….. I think I’m extra partial to celebrating Halloween early because it’s the last day of the month….. …..and then poof….. …..the next day is November and October is gone….. It’s kind of like my birthday…..(also the last day of a month)….. I look forward to it all month long…..then poof….. …..I’m…

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Valentines Day—Meet Dr. Atkins

Valentines Day—Meet Dr. Atkins

  Twenty more pounds to go. My cholesterol is holding.   Thirty pounds gone……………………and Valentines Day is steam-rolling at me.     I love chocolate.  I love food.  Carbohydrates are wonderful creatures.   Fanny Russell …………………….I should have named my first born Fanny. My second child should have been Stover Whitmans. (Can’t wait for Child #1 to read my blog……………..HA!  I shall call you Fanny…………….)-(That won’t fly.)-(Anyone remember Fanny Farmer candy?) I did have a cat once named Cadbury…………………..he was…

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Boxing Day

Boxing Day

Prior to hanging around my own personal Brit husband………………I knew nothing of Boxing Day.  It wasn’t a named day in rural Ohio.   We’ve discovered over the years that even though we are both from English speaking countries, there are oceans (the Atlantic to be specific) of differences between us. There’s a world of differences in the traditions, the vocabulary, the expectations, a whole list of differences……………..and the food.  I love the food.  (But not the gray, boiled meat.)  Remember,…

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