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Tag: tradition

…….Back To The Fox Hunt…….

…….Back To The Fox Hunt…….

…..Dr. Atkins is disappointed with me….. …..I’m ashamed of myself….. …..but…..I’m back on my diet now…..after havingĀ been bitch-slapped by the good Doctor….. …..I’ve had a pleasant run…..shall we be trotting home again…..?….. …..but answers there were none….. …..and this was scarcely odd because, she’d eaten every one….. ~~~~~I do love that poem~~~~~ …..and look…..our government is doing it’s own caucus-dance right now…..! …..HA!….. *****Alice In Wonderland’s Caucus Race***** …..where was I…..?….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Opening Hunt Meet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did I mention it was fabulous…..!……..

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