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Tag: tires

The New Tire “Two-Step”

The New Tire “Two-Step”

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* So…I’m fairly sure the tire debacle has been resolved….. But not with the original tire guy…I’ll never go back to him…his motivations were not what was best for us….. He was content with his profit margins only…and unhappy/unsafe customers were neither his concern nor problem….. … I’m pretty sure he’s a laser-focused misogynist…but that’s not a big deal…I’ve just learned to motor over them…whenever they’re encountered….. However…we needed to find a new tire…

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New Tires For The Dually

New Tires For The Dually

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I’m feeling duped….. You know that feeling when you’re insides say something’s not right…but the “professionals” around you keep saying that everything’s just fine(?)….. That has recently happened to me….. My (2002 F-350 Ford Dually) truck has six tires…it’s served me well…I intend to be buried in it….. But it recently needed new tires…(really it needs all six new tires…but the tire guy said four would be fine)….. And the nice man proceeded…

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~~~New Projects—Old Ideas~~~

~~~New Projects—Old Ideas~~~

My younger daughter has always (did I mention ALWAYS) wanted to live in an AirStream trailer… Well…..she has… She wants her independence… And that’s fine… (within reason) She LOVES watching the TV program…”Going RV”… She studies it…..takes notes… re-runs…..and really gets into it….. (should I use the word COMPULSIVE!?!…..why yes I should)….. …..(shhhhh)….. …..she can easily tell you the difference between a Class A and a Class B hitch… ***Huh?…..The Alphabet Of RV’s*** A few months back, while up at…

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