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Tag: thunder storm

Finley and Thor

Finley and Thor

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** The rainy season is here in full force….. It’s here with all of its timpani & percussion….. …………………………….Finley Doesn’t Like It……………………………. …..Thor’s wielding his hammer with regularity….. You and I have heard these things before….. …………………………….but Finley hasn’t……………………………. Thunder and Lightening are ALL new to him….. Remember when he was born…..I thought he had mule ears?….. Well he has grown into…

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Electrical Storm = No Electricity

Electrical Storm = No Electricity

      Just came out the other end of a dramatic and excessive thunder-boomer. It hit real CLOSE!!! We’ve got the power back on again.  Three hours out. The transformer on the telephone pole just outside our house got fried… And the transformer just across the street flamed out…   But we were lucky………… appears that everyone of the hooved and feathered-type have come through all right… Phew…………       It’s not unusual for this time of year…

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