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Tag: Thanksgiving

~~~To Fry…or…To Roast~~~

~~~To Fry…or…To Roast~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..That Is The Question….. There are nuances to take into account….. With oven roasting a turkey in the kitchen…you get the aroma, get the ability to relax (while the bird is in the oven)…… …..and you get the stuffing….. But with frying…you get the guaranteed moistness…and the crispy crispy skin….. …..(I’m all in for the epidermis)….. *****(Deep-Frying Turkey Suggestions)***** But I do like the stuffing after hours inside a roasting bird….. …..Decisions…Decisions…Decisions….. Here’s…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’m exhausted….. …..tryptophan…it can really put a kink in post-feast clean-up….. *****(Thanksgiving Dinner Makes You Sleepy)***** All I wanted to do after eating…was curl-up with the dirty dishes  &  left-overs and….. ………….snoooooooze…………. Just wrap me in some aluminum foil and plastic wrap alongside the green bean casserole and the turkey carcass and let me nap….. …..stick a holiday-themed/paper napkin underneath my drools  &  snores…ignore the sweet potato skin that’s stuck to my forehead……..

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s finally here….. The doors are open…the A/C’s off….. …..everything is getting a (much needed) airing….. …..and we’re COLD(ish)…(70 degrees)…and it’s wonderful!….. I’m even celebrating the return of my Raynaud’s Syndrome…(which…as you know…I fondly refer to as my cadaver-fingers)….. …..(Why Are My Fingers White)….. …..(I wonder what it would be like if I still lived up North?)….. I’ve been keeping track of what’s happening in New York State….. Lordy George!………….that’s a lot of…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Geez!…Louise!….. What happened to November…..?….. November flew past at warp speed….. My wake-up call was the Winn-Dixie grocery store’s weekly-flier that came through in the mail….. I immediately zeroed in on the 49 cent per pound Frozen Turkey Sale….. …………………(maybe you remember how I get about meat that’s on sale)………………… ……………..(I get giddy…I arrange & re-arrange my freezer (to make more room)…………….. ………….like an addict…I hide the excess meat that I sneak into…

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~~~Thanksgiving Prep~~~

~~~Thanksgiving Prep~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Yep…’s here again….. The turkey’s thawed….. The cats are batting the yams on the kitchen counter….. AND a brisket was purchased…..!!!….. …..(I do love myself a good brisket)….. Isn’t that just what everybody needs on a day of feasting on a ginormous turkey!?!….. …..Extra Meat!….. But preparing a sumptuous brisket is an adventure…..a veritable slow journey down a wandering promenade to…

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It’s the day after….. …..Thanksgiving….. We pulled off the oven-roasted—19 1/2 lbs  turkey….. …..and the stuffing….. …..(with extra giblets…..I DO like myself a good giblet)….. …..(I’ve never gotten into oysters in my dressing)….. …..(cooked/diced organ meat, yes…..cooked/diced crustacean, no)….. …..(hmmmmm?)….. The obligatory bean casserole was predictably/wholesomely yummy…..especially with those fun & crunchy onion rings….. …..oh, and let’s not forget the wonderfully/puckering cranberry sauce….. …..why is that jellied-delight only served one (or two)…..(or three) times a year?….. …..I love that stuff……..

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Thanksgiving’s just around the bend….. I’ve got the menu in my head…..(fyi…’s the same one as last year)…..   …..and the year before that….. …..and the year before that….. I had my curried/autumn/gourd/spicy/non-award-winning baked casserole….. …..(that my family unanimously nix’d)….. …..and I just don’t know why….. … was creatively herbal…..and healthy….. …..and you know… just shouldn’t say no to beta-carotene….. As a result, this year it’s a return to the simple baked yam….. …..I mean…..they’re good…..they’re tasty….. …..but there are…

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L-Tryptophan Is My Friend

L-Tryptophan Is My Friend

We pulled off another Thanksgiving Day dinner……. The kitchen sink is relatively clear of dirty dishes the morning after……. … that’s a win too……. …..and the left-overs…….are well…….left over……. … that’s also a win…….’cuz I ain’t cookin’…….                               ……I got to watch the Macy’s Day Parade…….I got to see the Radio City Rockettes, but NOT the Budweiser Clydesdales…….hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….(?)… …..I didn’t see them in last year’s parade…

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