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Tag: Summer Solstice

*It Happened Again*

*It Happened Again*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The Summer Solstice just occurred…(again)….. …..I’ve noticed………….it’s an annual thing….. *****(The Earliest Summer Solstice in 228 Years)***** I enjoy all the seasonal hallmarks…it’s a reliable march through the year….. *****(Brief Explanation of the Seasonal Hallmarks)***** I extra like the Summer Solstice…because it marks the turning point…and the beginning of the shortening of days….. Maybe most people like when the days get longer…I’ve always liked when they get shorter….. … me weird….. *****(Today is…

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~Ducks & Day Light Savings Time~

~Ducks & Day Light Savings Time~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We’re not even at the longest day of the year yet….. We’ve got another three weeks to go…and the days will keep getting longer until the Summer Solstice….. But all the animals here are on dawn-to-dusk schedule…well…all except for the ducks….. For being so vulnerable to predacious wildness out here…they really do push the envelope….. The Runner Ducks are the farm’s weeble-wobbles….. …..they can’t run fast (their name is a misnomer)…they can’t fly…(they’ve…

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~~~The Summer Solstice~~~

~~~The Summer Solstice~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** And the year swings around again….. ~~~~~(Summer Solstice)~~~~~ If it’s not raining…we’ll be out by the bonfire with Cheetos and cheap wine coolers….. …..(forget sunrise…it continues to come too early)…(I’ll leave that for the roosters)….. The bonfire will be smokey…(because the wood’s wet)…but that will help keep the mosquitos at bay….. …..I’ll stick to bonfires after sunset…with Adirondack chairs…and smokey fires…and quantities of cheap wine….. I’m sure the summer solstice will be busy…

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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Here in the Swamp…’s really dark at night….. It’s fun to sit out and watch the stars…..(if the bugs…suffocating heat…and… the rain let you)….. We always have more than enough wood to burn…..bonfires are actually a necessity….. There’s so much that keeps falling…’s a constant clean-up….. …..after a storm…..there’s always more….. …..(plus we have a tin roof…..and when a dead branch falls on that…..EVERYONE takes notice)….. Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice…..the longest…

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