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Tag: squirrel war



*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..I’m not sure anymore….. My war with the Disney rats continues….. So cute…so sweet….. They’re diabolical…… Remember how I had to convert my chicken coop into an electrified Stalag Coop?…… …..just to keep my biddies safe?….. Now there’s a war on between me and those damned/twitchy-tailed sciuridae….. …..(and yes that’s a word)…(I don’t care what Auto-Correct keeps telling me)….. …..(Get with the program AutoCorrect!)….. …..I’ll take you on at a later date…but not…

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#$%^&^%$# Squirrels

#$%^&^%$# Squirrels

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Our local squirrels are well fed….. We have plump squirrels in our yard….. …..unintentionally…but we do….. They have an excessive BMI….. *****(Body Mass Index…What Does That Mean?)***** …..they are very well fed…one could say they’re Sumo-Squirrels….. We also have Otto…our illustrious barn cat….. Otto is supposed to keep the squirrels out of the garage and under control….. Otto is slacking in his job responsibilities….. Otto thinks it’s easier to snag puff-ball chicks…rather than…

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Waging War With Squirrels

Waging War With Squirrels

  When I was little, in Ohio we had two different types of squirrels. There were red squirrels and big gray squirrels. We grew up rural…………….with rural palettes.  By that I mean, we ate what was put on our plates. And squirrel was one of the delicacies. Between you and me and Pascal (the computer’s “Cloud”)…See  (“Pascal”)–Post/Published—October 19, 2017. ……………….I’ll take a squirrel stew dinner over mutton ANY day!  (We raised sheep too.) Mutton tallow———eeeeeewwwwww.) Mutton is bbbbaaaaaaaaadddddddd… Real bbbbbbaaaaaaaddddddddd……

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