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Tag: sink hole

~~~A Discussion Of Swamps~~~

~~~A Discussion Of Swamps~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’ve lived on this piece of property for over thirty years…I’ve seen it’s evolution…some could say devolution….. In earlier posts…I’ve spoken about the different categorizations of various Swamps…or to be more-socially acceptable…various “Wet Lands”….. Potatoes………….potatoes….. …..(that still loses something in print)….. On closer evaluation I think our swamp has been struggling from a “Cypress Wetlands” swamp to a “Hydric Hammock”….. And now…it’s somewhere in between….. *****(Swamp Categorizations)***** *****(Wetlands Management in Florida)***** *****(More Wetlands…

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~~~Puppy Puddles~~~

~~~Puppy Puddles~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We are deep into house-training right now….. Acacias is getting the hang of it…(kind of)….. …..unless he doesn’t….. …..and then it’s high-tide on the tile floor in the kitchen….. It just comes with the territory…when you have a new puppy….. …..if you remember….. …..we have sink-holes under our house (yes we do)…(four or five of them)…(but they’re small)…(until they aren’t)…and our house tilts a bit….. We’ve come to know and understand our home……..

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Sink Hole Saga #1 (to be continued………..)

Sink Hole Saga #1 (to be continued………..)

  ********************Sink Hole Video******************** As the crow flies our home is about eight miles (or less) from the home in this video and this sub-division.   Sink Hole #101:  Florida has a limestone base which has been built up from millions of years of dead crustaceans and similar critters.     Limestone can erode into underground caves with water movement.       The aquifer is Florida’s sub-terrarium source of fresh (non-saline), potable water.     During drought years (or…

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