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Tag: Septic System

Mud-Bogging Pups

Mud-Bogging Pups

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* The rains are here…..!….. …..Tra!  La!….. You know that expression…..”the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”….. …..well the mud is muddier on our side of the fence now….. Remember when I wanted (some) rain? …..I got my wish….. Moderation is a good thing…..right? …..we got the little bit of rain we needed….. …..and a little bit more….. …..and a little bit more….. …..and then…

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We’re Still Here

We’re Still Here

It’s post-Irma.  We were so very lucky.  The eye went over us at about 2:30AM early on September 11th.  It was a Category 2 Hurricane by that time.  It could have been a Category 5 like in the Caribbean Islands.  We are so lucky.  We lost trees, but no lives.  We have fencing repairs, but not home repairs.  The sound is deafeningly quiet today.  I wouldn’t have thought it was so very loud during the storm.  But my ear drums…

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New Septic~~~Days #5, #6, #7, #8

New Septic~~~Days #5, #6, #7, #8

Surprise, it’s raining.  It’s been raining, and raining, and raining……….It’s summer in Florida, of course it’s raining. We have been lucky so far this “season”.  There have been two Tropical Storms already, and they have gone elsewhere.  But with our luck that means others have had bad luck.  You end up feeling thankful and guilty at the same time.  And it’s still June.  It’s Kismet and Mother Nature doing a waltz.  I’m just tapping my foot and snapping my fingers…

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New Septic~~~Day #2, #3, #4

New Septic~~~Day #2, #3, #4

The nice septic people haven’t come back since Day #1. We have the large cement thingie in the ground in an exposed gigantic hole in the front yard.  Is that a good sign? Should we start to worry yet? Maybe Day #5’s the charm? We wait with abated breath………  

Weekend Permitting in the Boonies

Weekend Permitting in the Boonies

Fond (?) memories have been rushing back to me of the variety of stop-gap attempts that we have made over the years to have the aforementioned defunct septic last longer. More than ten years ago we had a series of Tropical Storms and a weak, down-grading Hurricane  who came directly over us.  Lots and lots of wind and rain.  Rain———-the horizontal type.  It eventually found its way to the ground where it saturated everything and elevated the water level to…

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Sea Level vs. the New Septic—–Day #1

Sea Level vs. the New Septic—–Day #1

Day #1———Gravity.  It’s a genuine force.  It’s reliable.  Lord knows I know that from horseback riding and how much the ground beckons me.  And how it comes up to greet me so rapidly.  Gravity plays a role in our everyday lives.  It’s there when we want it.  It’s there when we don’t.  It’s there when we don’t even think about it.  It makes things roll down hill. We bought this house as a fixer-upper almost 25 years ago.  I’m sad…

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