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Tag: Saanen Dairy Goat

~~~Trooper’s On A Diet~~~

~~~Trooper’s On A Diet~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** When we first got Trooper…he was skinny….. Actually he was a mess….. A good friend had found him and seen his condition and needed to find him a home….. … she called us….. We needed a buck at that point………….the timing was perfect….. Storm Trooper is a registered Saanen dairy goat…he had been a 4H or FFA (Future Farmers of America) project…but somewhere along the way…Trooper hit hard times….. When he arrived on…

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**Buck Beards**

**Buck Beards**

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** They can be beautifully luxurious…..or sparse and bristly….. Over the many years…..we’ve had many bucks….. Boy goats take pride in their beards….. …..they don’t care for them in a way that I would think was good personal hygiene….. …..but who am I to judge…..(?)….. I do have to say that in the dead of summer……in the middle of Florida’s heat and humidity….. … really don’t want to be down-wind of them…… Buck goats…

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