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Tag: Rhiannon

*****The Fifth Of July*****

*****The Fifth Of July*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the day after the Fourth of July….. A good time was had by all…(except for some exhausted frenetic dogs)….. Today…we’ll be having left-overs—baked beans…corn-on-the-cob…barbecue…the usual….. …..always good on the second day….. The various streets and sidewalks smell like burnt gunpowder and sulphur from matches….. The residue of Roman candles, bottle rockets and sparkler wires are everywhere….. Those of us with animals are taking a deep breath…and a sigh of relief….. I always…

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~~~N. N. Y. (No Name Yet) continued~~~

~~~N. N. Y. (No Name Yet) continued~~~

*****Disclaimer*****This Is A Farm Blog*****With Graphic Photos***** When my older daughter went out to stall Claire for the night….. …..she called from the pasture to tell me that Claire was in labor….. …..So…..Game On!….. … younger daughter and I booked it for the barn….. …..towels flailing…..jackets hanging by one arm… half on….. …..(you know……totally prepared)….. Rhiannon was called….. …..she came immediately….. …..she wanted to help Brave’s baby into the world….. …..she skidded into the barn’s breezeway just in time….. Claire…

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~~~More Brave-ness~~~

~~~More Brave-ness~~~

Brave’s training continues… He acts like a big, brave, silly pony… Nobody takes him seriously… He’s doing figure-eights in the round pen now……. …..he responds with hand signals alone… Rhiannon can stop him and walk up to him now and put her hands all over him….. …..that sounds kind of rude, doesn’t it?… We’ve decided that we need to braid his forelock…’s too voluminous…..and it’s getting in the way… (it is luxurious though…..I wish I had that mane…..he even has…

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—–Brave Is Learning His A.B.C.’s—–

—–Brave Is Learning His A.B.C.’s—–

It’s never too late for learning new things… Brave has had his private-pasture-party for too long… We imprinted on him when he was first born here on our property… …..but then…he got to slide with regards to his training… … joints crapped out on me…..I needed multiple replacements…..then post-surgery recuperation and rehab… …..all the while…time rolled past… …..and Brave got bigger… He’s not a bad boy…..he’s just intimidating in his hugeness… He knows he’s big….. He won’t run you over…..or…

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Round Pen

Round Pen

What’s a round pen…….(?) … may well ask……. We have a round pen……. .*****Round Pen ~~~ What’s It All About?***** Round pens are used in horse training… ***Just In Case You Wanted More Round Pen Information*** We’ve had a large/heavy-duty round pen with multiple panels for a long time… It was rarely used… It needs sanding and re-painting…..(again)… It also needs some re-welding… I’ve tried some of my own repairs with my handy-dandy Mig welder……. *****To MIG?…..Or To TIG?…..That Is…

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