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Tag: refrigerator

The Summer Ooze

The Summer Ooze

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Mid-Summer in Florida is here….. …’s definitely here….. … it or not….. …..(I don’t)….. Everything is shvitz’ing…(I’ve probably misspelled that—but you get the idea)….. EVERYTHING is drippy & sweating….. And in regards to horses…if they’re not sweating (anhidrosis)…then you need to panic….. Brave is sweating plus he’s getting a can of beer a day now (it helps horses to sweat)—(at least that’s what I’ve been told)….. *****(A Non-Sweating Horse Is A Dangerous Condition)*****…

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Things Run In Threes…

Things Run In Threes…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I’ve heard that expression all my life…that things run in threes….. I don’t know how or why it ever got started….. But more times than not…it’s accurate….. …..sometimes…more than accurate…when the “three’s” become “four’s”…or “five’s”…. And recently that’s become the case….. First it was the old oven…(but it fortunately allowed us to limp through Thanksgiving)….. Then it was the clothes dryer…pure & simple…it stopped drying…and started making a burning smell….. We were able…

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