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Tag: rats

~Opportunistic Terriers~

~Opportunistic Terriers~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** As a terrier…..Drogo…..likes dark/closed-in/confined spaces….. ***Jack Russell Terriers And Their Propensities*** … know…..that whole terrier-heredity-thing….. …..they were bred to go into small dark places to work as rat/vermin/or varmint-killers….. My Dad told me stories of the terriers they had on the farm….. …..they’d run rats out of the burrows under the barn floors and corn cribs….. …..they’d also lift them up…

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Cool dude and barn-cat-supreme… He made his debut on our farm this last spring… He has a…..”take no prisoners” attitude… He went through the “catch & release” system as a stray… …..that’s were a feral cat is caught, sterilized, inoculated for various viruses, given a rabies shot…..and then released… He came to us via Suzanne Annette… Somehow that brave woman got him into a cat carrier and deposited him here… He lives in our garage at night… We “had” a…

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Battle For The Garage

Battle For The Garage

  The squirrels have chatted with the rats… The rats have agreed to join rodent forces…     They’ve convened and had some sort of conclave…     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Battle Is On!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The squirrels told the rats which feed bags were the best (and most expensive) to eat. I think they got together and made a rat/squirrel pyramid and at each level they ate a hole through the feed bags in the stack on every pallet.     They prefer…

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Here’s The Run-Down

Here’s The Run-Down

The dishwasher is now on the fritz.  So I’m standing at the sink doing dishes.  I’m looking out the window.  And here comes Ben, our new Irish Wolfhound puppy, trotting onto the back porch, proudly dangling a dead rat by it’s tail from his mouth. We live in a swamp……….on a farm……….there’s dribbled food for various farm animals everywhere.  So, of course we have rats.  In fact we have a variety of rats.  Our rats are multi-generational……….I catch them and…

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