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Tag: rainy season

~~~Running In Mud~~~

~~~Running In Mud~~~

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* You know when you have a nightmare and you’re trying to run…..but you can’t because you’re knee-deep in mud…..? Remember that fixer-upper house that we call home…..?….. It’s been like one of those mud-dreams….. We’re still here….. …..remember the enclosed-back-porch-project…..?….. …..surprise…’s still on-going….. …..(sigh)….. …..(double sigh)….. It’s almost done…..(I want to believe)….. …..well…..really…..I don’t know anymore….. …’s all still such a mess….. …..we want to…..we’re trying to…..get it closed…

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***The Hog Hilton***

***The Hog Hilton***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Well…….Finally…..!!!….. The hogs finally have their newly finished pig pen….. ………………………….AND…………………………. …..the rainy season hasn’t even begun yet….. …..the first dusty splatter of rain hasn’t started….. …..the summer’s reliable muddy-quagmires haven’t begun puddling yet….. Ralph did all the necessary work….. ***Glossary—(Ralph Defined)*** …..he used our surplus telephone poles as super/secure posts….. …..he was able to make use of the surplus sheets of 5-V Crimp that have been laying around……..

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~~~By The Light Of The Harvest Moon~~~

~~~By The Light Of The Harvest Moon~~~

My older daughter and I worked in the dark by the light of the silvery moon….. … rescue the remaining/slippery piglets from the now submerged “new” pen….. …..we had a Florida Water Snake bolt over our boots and a Black Racer scoot out of our way (or was it a Black Indigo?)….. *****Confusing Snake Types***** … least I hope they weren’t Cotton Mouths…..(FWS’s are the ones who mimic being poisonous Water Moccasins). *****I’m Not Getting Close Enough To Find Out…

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