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Tag: Rain Rot

Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I don’t get it….. This is the coolest time of the year here in balmy/sub-tropical Florida….. This is the time of year when the bugs (and snakes and stuff) are at their lowest-activity-level….. “One” would think that the “irritants” to a horse would be at a minimum….. “One” would think that…..”One” would…..Right?….. …..But Noooooo!….. Addy…..for no reason at all….has decided to rub a 4″ x 4″ oozing/raw patch on the side of her…

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…….Rain Rot…….

…….Rain Rot…….

Rain Rot……………………… You horse owners out there know what I’m talking about….. …..that grungie/flaky/peely/oozie-ness that can occur on your horse’s back and top-line. It’s a fun little dermatological condition that is a by-product of pastured horses in a chronically rainy/humid environment… Yippee!!! What fun!!! Claps and Stomps All ‘Round!!! It’s usually a seasonal-thing… It ends with the dry season (usually)… I can start holding my breath now…..because the end of the rainy season is just around the corner….. WHO AM…

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