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Tag: Pop-Tart

***My Apple***

***My Apple***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* You served me well….. I’m not sure how old you are…I didn’t think you were that old…but maybe in computer-years…you’re ancient….. I tried to take good care of you…I really did….. But you are in the process of sputtering and sparking out….. Some of your recent noises have been………….disturbing….. I’ve been told (and lectured) about not keeping so many tabs open…and then…I had to be told what a tab was….. …..(apparently I had…

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***In Search Of A Gustaf***

***In Search Of A Gustaf***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* ************Hold The Presses************* *************Gustaf #2.0 Is In The Building!************* The original Gustaf continues to be lost (or eaten)…and is certainly ex-communicato….. …..But….. A second Gustaf has been located…procured…and has arrived….. …..Tra!…La!….. Life as we know it has been Saved…Maintained…and Continues….. Did I have anything constructive to do with the unfolding of these monumental events(?)….. …..Oh…hell no!….. I ran around hysterically…like a chicken with its head cut off….. There was a great deal of…

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