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Tag: pasta

*Making Tortellini*

*Making Tortellini*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** My daughters and I went to Doctor Brigid’s house again…for our next culinary extravaganza….. *******We Made Tortellini******* Doctor Brigid and her husband’s home and kitchen are so much more conducive to healthy food production….. —They have a well-equipped/well-stocked kitchen….. —They have a cleaner kitchen…(I’m ashamed to say…but it’s true)…(no cats perusing your progress from the dark recesses of the counters)….. —Their large dogs (an Irish Wolfhound and a Rhodesian Ridgeback) stay outside…only their…

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***Invest 96L…Then…Tropical Storm Ian…Now…Hurricane Ian***

***Invest 96L…Then…Tropical Storm Ian…Now…Hurricane Ian***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Invest 96L…became a Tropical Storm…and then Hurricane Ian….. …..with a proper name….. ………….it’s Ian…………. ………….Yay!………….sigh…………. We’re all glued to the updates from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration….. …..(NOAA)….. …..You gotta get with the jargon:  spaghetti models…cones of influence…projections…(my beloved Wind Shear)—(there’s not enough)…evacuation routes…enhanced satellite imagery…tides…storm surges…long duration event….. …..sigh………….it can make you crazy (or crazier)….. …..if we’re in Ian’s path…it looks like it’s projection could hit on Wednesday…or Thursday…who knows!?!….. … many…

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~~~Puppy Photo Op~~~

~~~Puppy Photo Op~~~

  One of my daughter’s friends is a dog trainer. She’s good at what she does. Recently she got involved in photography… The other evening, my older daughter’s friends all got together here for movies and junk food. A litter of pudgy puppies turned into the focus of the evening’s entertainment……. …..puppies just love people-time……. …..everyone was having a great time…….the two-legged ones and the four-legged ones……. ~~~~~puppy nuzzles~~~~~ ~~~~~puppy kisses~~~~~ ~~~~~puppy bellies~~~~~ ~~~~~squirming, over-whelming wonderfulness of puppies~~~~~ The cameras…

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