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Tag: Otto



*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..I’m not sure anymore….. My war with the Disney rats continues….. So cute…so sweet….. They’re diabolical…… Remember how I had to convert my chicken coop into an electrified Stalag Coop?…… …..just to keep my biddies safe?….. Now there’s a war on between me and those damned/twitchy-tailed sciuridae….. …..(and yes that’s a word)…(I don’t care what Auto-Correct keeps telling me)….. …..(Get with the program AutoCorrect!)….. …..I’ll take you on at a later date…but not…

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~We Call It Home~

~We Call It Home~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Home is where the heart is….. …………….I guess our heart is in the swamp(?)….. We do reside up-close & personal with a steamy humid bog…and with it comes a few swamp challenges….. We have a good friend who lives around the corner….. She’s lived in “the neighborhood” a few years longer than us…she’s quite the environmentalist and holistic naturalist….. …..(however…on the rare occasion…I have been able to corrupt her into appreciating a good…

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Our Garage…..(or a collapsed red dwarf planet?)…..(you decide)…

Our Garage…..(or a collapsed red dwarf planet?)…..(you decide)…

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Remember a couple years ago…when I said I needed to clean the garage(?)….. …………………………….that didn’t happen……………………………. …..and it’s gotten worse….. Where the garage is concerned….. You can’t show fear….. You have to grab it by the eyeballs…not look away………….and stare it down….. …..ease away slowly (and confidently)…and don’t turn your back….. I truly believe our garage is a failed supernova…that has collapsed…… …’s creating its own vortex or black hole….. … its core…..I’ve…

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#$%^&^%$# Squirrels

#$%^&^%$# Squirrels

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Our local squirrels are well fed….. We have plump squirrels in our yard….. …..unintentionally…but we do….. They have an excessive BMI….. *****(Body Mass Index…What Does That Mean?)***** …..they are very well fed…one could say they’re Sumo-Squirrels….. We also have Otto…our illustrious barn cat….. Otto is supposed to keep the squirrels out of the garage and under control….. Otto is slacking in his job responsibilities….. Otto thinks it’s easier to snag puff-ball chicks…rather than…

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~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This will be a short post….. I figured that the following pictures would speak for themselves….. We order our groceries and other stuff once a month from Walmart….. It gets delivered…and left at the front gate…on our mounting block….. Walmart texts us to let us know when it’s coming & when it arrives….. We go out with a wheelbarrow and pick it up in a timely-fashion…you know because of the produce and frozen…

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***Otto versus Danny***

***Otto versus Danny***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Apparently there was a slap down fight in the front yard that I knew nothing about…(until much later)….. Apparently (as per my younger daughter)…it was totally unprovoked….. Apparently Otto won….. I know I’m a control freak…I hate when I’m not on top of things….. …..and that is what recently happened….. Danny (my younger daughter’s Papillon) normally is on the back of the couch….. …..around noon recently…I noticed that he wasn’t really napping…but was…

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The Progression Of Chicklets

The Progression Of Chicklets

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* At this point…..the mail-order chicks are way past the puff-ball stage….. …..but they are still at the “Otto-worthy” stage….. I’d better continue keeping them under lock & key (on the back porch) for awhile longer….. …..(until they are big enough to out-run Otto…..when he decides he’s a bit peck-ish)….. …..then I’ll put them in the chicken coop and rig it to keep them separated from the adult chickens for…

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*Chick Eating Grin*

*Chick Eating Grin*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Remember those silly hens who insisted on laying and setting in one of the nooks on top of “Ole Sparky”? … didn’t turn out well….. …..(we knew ahead of time it wouldn’t)….. Well…..Otto’s happy…..(at least)….. So here’s the re-cap….. Stupid Hen #1 discovered an inappropriate place to start laying eggs….. … was on top of our generator (who we fondly call “Ole Sparky)….. …..the little alcove that she chose…

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***Stupid Hen…….(the next day)***

***Stupid Hen…….(the next day)***

You are probably asking….. …..did the Stupid Hen come back to her chicks whom (who?) she abandoned in the coop…..? …….. ……..she did not….. …..but…..ten of the eleven puff balls somehow managed to scramble up the inside ramp in the coop and tumble down the outside ramp in order to run after and try to find their unconcerned mother….. She ultimately (with no credit to herself) collected nine of her babies….. … stayed in the coop……and one was very raucously…

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Cool dude and barn-cat-supreme… He made his debut on our farm this last spring… He has a…..”take no prisoners” attitude… He went through the “catch & release” system as a stray… …..that’s were a feral cat is caught, sterilized, inoculated for various viruses, given a rabies shot…..and then released… He came to us via Suzanne Annette… Somehow that brave woman got him into a cat carrier and deposited him here… He lives in our garage at night… We “had” a…

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