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Tag: Oberhasli Dairy Goat

~~Goat Gestation~~

~~Goat Gestation~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Just when I think I might have trouble finding something to write about and post….. …..another day dawns….. …..who am I kidding…(?)…there’s always some fresh disaster to write about…and more just waiting in the draft folder….. So I’ll get to it….. Our buck goat (Professor Dillamond) broke out of his buck pen….. …..he had an undetermined amount of time to “cavort” with the girls….. …..(you understand that when I say “cavort”…I really mean…

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**Buck Beards**

**Buck Beards**

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** They can be beautifully luxurious…..or sparse and bristly….. Over the many years…..we’ve had many bucks….. Boy goats take pride in their beards….. …..they don’t care for them in a way that I would think was good personal hygiene….. …..but who am I to judge…..(?)….. I do have to say that in the dead of summer……in the middle of Florida’s heat and humidity….. … really don’t want to be down-wind of them…… Buck goats…

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** We welcomed a new big buck goat to our farm recently….. Doctor Brigid has a surplus of boys on her farm…..and Mnefarious is just too good to pass by….. Mnefarious is a six year old LaMancha buck who was bred by Doctor Brigid…..he’s a beautiful/spotted boy….. …..(honestly…..her goats put ours to shame)….. …..(all our herd look like backwoods/feral/nasties by comparison to…

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