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~So Close~

~So Close~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I was planning on picking up Pepper at Mary Constance’s and bringing her home….. Everything was so friggin’ close….. So close….. But…I just discovered that the pasture where I intended to keep Pepper…is now totally wet and holding water….. I went out yesterday to pull some last minute weeds (the less than desirable fennel and burrs)…and I sank….. Pepper is the Clydesdale mare who is coming here and who I plan to ride……..

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Heat Complaint #563

Heat Complaint #563

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s the last day of July….. I think I might see a brisk zephyr somewhere over that haze-crazed humidity-dripping horizon….. Everything…(flora & fauna alike)…has that same dispirited…middle distanced…unfocused stare….. It’s that zombie-time of the year in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. … one wants to be here now….. Maine is looking pretty good….. Some are pining for the Yukon….. Our air conditioner has been stressed to its max…it’s been on again…off again….. …..frozen over…and icy…and…

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~~2024 Hurricane Season Predictions~~

~~2024 Hurricane Season Predictions~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Well…it’s here again….. The beginning of June marks the beginning of the Hurricane Season for us…here in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. *****(NOAA’s 2024 Predictions)***** I felt obligated to look it up…I didn’t want to…but it’s always better to be informed….. So…that’s the line-up of names for 2024….. …..and…I’d like to point out…Oscar’s on it….. I want to think we won’t get that far in the alphabet…but we always do…(remember the one year (two years)…

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~Solar Flares~

~Solar Flares~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* So I recently learned what “CME” means….. …..Coronal Mass Ejection….. *****(National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Explanation)***** This last weekend there was “one-of-those” or several of those that hurtled towards and hit the earth…on our side of the planet….. It kind of brings you out of your navel-staring moments and makes you look at the broader spectrum of things….. … the Universe and stuff….. It puts things in perspective…I guess?  Like…the galaxy’s a pretty…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Come  On  Now!….. Really?….. I’m here in sunny sub-Tropical Florida…trying to reckon with this year’s Hurricane Season….. …..and what do the equally sunny smiling…multiple meteorologists point out to me?….. ……………Hurricane Hilary…………. …..(with one “L”)….. …..What?!?….. …..No!…No!…No!…No!….. That’s the West Coast of the United States?…not the West Coast of Florida?….. Mother Nature…are you sure about this trajectory?….. What is going on with the World?….. …..Florida gets Hurricanes…so does Alabama…Mississippi…Louisiana…and Texas….. Mother Nature…are you really…

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~~~Friggin’ Elsa~~~

~~~Friggin’ Elsa~~~

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! Really!?! Already!?! Our hot-time for “Tropical Disturbances” is from mid-August on through September! Really, Elsa…..??? Let it go… dumb @#$%^%#$#@%$!!! *****ELSA*****