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~~~N. N. Y. (No Name Yet) continued~~~

~~~N. N. Y. (No Name Yet) continued~~~

*****Disclaimer*****This Is A Farm Blog*****With Graphic Photos***** When my older daughter went out to stall Claire for the night….. …..she called from the pasture to tell me that Claire was in labor….. …..So…..Game On!….. … younger daughter and I booked it for the barn….. …..towels flailing…..jackets hanging by one arm… half on….. …..(you know……totally prepared)….. Rhiannon was called….. …..she came immediately….. …..she wanted to help Brave’s baby into the world….. …..she skidded into the barn’s breezeway just in time….. Claire…

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~~~~~N. N. Y.~~~~~

~~~~~N. N. Y.~~~~~

N. N. Y. —–stands for “No Name Yet”….. He’s Robust…..He’s Big…..He’s Here!!!!! Claire is healthy and doing fine….. N. N. Y.  is healthy and doing fine….. That’s all I hoped and prayed for….. My older daughter and I are exhausted….. I know that Claire did all the work….. …..but damn…..we’re exhausted….. There’s so much more to post about…..but there’s so much to do….. …..more later…..