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Tag: “mud fever”

***Fire Ant Surprise***

***Fire Ant Surprise***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I had to take a time-out from a clean-up chore….. I was going to clean-up the area around the hitching post on our driveway….. …..all of the recent rains have washed leaves and sand into wet dunes all over the cement….. It’s not dry enough to blow off yet…it needs a flat-bottomed shovel to scoop and push all of the debris back to where it came from….. I needed this cleared so I…

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***Deep In the Heat***

***Deep In the Heat***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I just came in from fly-spraying and bug-treating the horses….. This is the time of year that I find so frustrating….. …..forget about me…it’s got to be worse for the horses going through this….. …..they get rained on…they get to live in a steam-room 24/7…the heat and humidity is incredible….. …..and let’s not even talk about the electrical lightening storms that whip through like clockwork….. Over the years I’ve tried so many different…

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+++++++The Itchies+++++++

+++++++The Itchies+++++++

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Summer humidity is here in grande/soggy fashion….. There’s a green hue to the air because of all of the suspended mold….. Inhalations can be a challenge…’s more like gargling algae….. …..(something tells me that Florida’s Board of Tourism wouldn’t want me as their spokesperson)….. But with the thick/wet/hot air comes the sweating….. I was told my Grandmother would say….. —–Horses Sweat…..Men Perspire…..and Women Glisten—– …..(I must be a horse then)….. …..and with the…

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