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Tag: Monty Python

*Paranoia & Addy*

*Paranoia & Addy*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** You know those Optimistic/PollyAnna expressions…trying to prompt a positive outlook on life? There are lots of them that are available….. Always look on the bright side of life (accompanied by a spritely whistle)—(okay…that one’s from Monty Python)….. …..a cheery outlook makes for a cheery disposition….. …..happy is as happy does…?…I don’t know….. There are millions of them….. I didn’t want to use any of them a few days ago…when I checked on the…

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The A/C Is Kaput!

The A/C Is Kaput!

How did they live in the South before air-conditioning?   How did they do it? (A lot of mint juleps I would guess.)   Our compressor seized yesterday…  It seized and died…   There’s no fixing it this time… It has to be replaced.     *****Monty Pyton’s “Dead Parrot” Skit*****         To reiterate my husband’s Monty Python quotes from after my last egg post——-our A/C is no more…….it has succumbed…….it is no longer pining for the…

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Oyster Shucking & Bunny-Bites

Oyster Shucking & Bunny-Bites

  Philosophy on Life     You Have to Keep moving Forward.   ********** There are other options, but I’ve found this one to be the most productive. And, I have always believed in productivity. My definition of what’s productive probably really differs from someone else’s…………………. But:  News Flash! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Blog~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Definition~~~~~~~~~~~~ So here goes…………… I recently went to our Hunt Club’s Lobster/Kentucky Derby Party. I kind of had to………….I was on the Committee. Really, it was just a committee…

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Perigee Moons

Perigee Moons

  Between December and the last day of this month, there have been (or will be) three full moons in perigee.  (Quick definition:  Perigee means the point where the moon’s (or anything’s) orbit is the closest to the earth.) So the last three full moons in a row have been at their closest point in their normal orbit around the earth, which means they look super big. Hence they’re are called “Super Moons”. They’re Super.  Super bright.  Super close.  Super…

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