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Tag: Mister Mike

The Well-Head…

The Well-Head…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Sounds ominous…..?….. ……doesn’t it…..?….. To put it mildly…..if your well-head isn’t happy…..ain’t nobody happy….. Given a choice…..I’d rather have my own well-water rather than processed-city-water….. For the last thirty years…..we’ve had our own well-water….. We are on our second well here on this property….. ……it’s had to do with the “water-wars”…..”over-pumping”…..”over-development”….. …..and the limited/precious commodity of fresh/clean/drinking water….. Mostly we’ve had…

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