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Tag: mason

Mother Nature/Respect is Required

Mother Nature/Respect is Required

Well we made it through June.  We’re in July.  We can do it.  We can.  We can do it.  It’s an often-repeated Florida-resident’s summer chant & mantra.  We are at the stage where condensation starts to form on the inside of the glass windows in the house, and the air-conditioners are straining and molding.  This evening, just before sunset, I looked out the back window.  The setting sun made the trees an illuminated, florescent green, but behind them the sky…

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Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

It’s a rainy Saturday.  I’m temporarily fairly immobile.  I have another knee replacement awaiting me in the near future.  So what to do?  I’ve got it!  I’ll blog some more.  That’s what I’ll do.  So here’s a fun little story from this last spring. Becky is a mare from our breeding here.  She is 1/2 Belgian and 1/2 Paint.  She herself is a pretty black & white paint.  And she thinks so too.  (This is where I would insert a…

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