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Tag: mashed potatoes



*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* *****(Friendsgiving—It’s A Thing)***** Over this last weekend…we went to a Friends-giving….. It was hosted by my older daughter’s cool friend—Moxy….. Everyone has traditional plans for their traditional Thanksgiving…but Friendsgiving…is a large get together…for friends….. *****(Emily Post on Friendsgiving)***** I really like this concept…plus it’s a lot of fun….. It was a covered-dish affair…it was so easy….. We have a lot of experience with pulling off Hunt Club Teas…we already have all the bells…

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*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

It’s prep time!!! It’s cooking & baking time!!! It’s transport time!!! It’s TEA TIME!!! I love it!!! The apples have been peeled and doused in a lemon juice bath (to avoid browning)…..and they are awaiting their pie crusts….. All of the potatoes have been peeled and boiled…..and the necessary additives have been added (and those would be the poundage of sweet butter along with the gallons of heavy cream)….. (like I’ve said before… might as well just spackle my lumpy/mashed potatoes…

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~~~Summing Up October~~~

~~~Summing Up October~~~

We are almost at the end of the month….. It’s been busy….. … busy….. Hurricane Zeta…..(yes, Zeta) has just hit and swirled over the poor Bayou State….. …..this has been one helluva hurricane season for the shell-shocked residence of Louisiana….. …’s the fifth…..!!!!!…..(yes, the fifth) hurricane to hit that low/soggy Cajun State….. We were lucky here….. …..we were just around the corner from them on the Gulf of Mexico….. I’m hoping this is it for this year’s season…..but who knows!?!…

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~~~It’s “That” Month Again~~~

~~~It’s “That” Month Again~~~

Tra!  La! I love October! It’s here again…..!….. I have years and years of accumulated Halloween decorations….. I’d start decorating in August if I could get away with it….. … it is….. Our zombie gnome stays on top of the refrigerator all year long….. …..and we have a big ceramic Jack-O-Lantern who always has a candle burning in him on the hearth….. …..and then there’s the trio of “see-no-evil/say-no-evil/hear-no-evil skulls on the mantel (all year long)-(covered in dust)….. …..I feel…

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