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Tag: Macy’s Parade



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’m exhausted….. …..tryptophan…it can really put a kink in post-feast clean-up….. *****(Thanksgiving Dinner Makes You Sleepy)***** All I wanted to do after eating…was curl-up with the dirty dishes  &  left-overs and….. ………….snoooooooze…………. Just wrap me in some aluminum foil and plastic wrap alongside the green bean casserole and the turkey carcass and let me nap….. …..stick a holiday-themed/paper napkin underneath my drools  &  snores…ignore the sweet potato skin that’s stuck to my forehead……..

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L-Tryptophan Is My Friend

L-Tryptophan Is My Friend

We pulled off another Thanksgiving Day dinner……. The kitchen sink is relatively clear of dirty dishes the morning after……. … that’s a win too……. …..and the left-overs…….are well…….left over……. … that’s also a win…….’cuz I ain’t cookin’…….                               ……I got to watch the Macy’s Day Parade…….I got to see the Radio City Rockettes, but NOT the Budweiser Clydesdales…….hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….(?)… …..I didn’t see them in last year’s parade…

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