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Tag: litter

*And Then There Was One*

*And Then There Was One*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Eight weeks came and went so very fast….. In the late/late hours of the night…at the beginning of the litter…when all your concentration is focused on if the stomach tube is in the right spot….. …..and you’re so very…very…very…tired….. …..and you think you’ll never sleep again….. Then suddenly…they’re gone…to their new lives & homes….. … did that happen?….. … did it go by so fast?….. My daughters and I have gotten to know…

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~~~Puppy Progress Report~~~

~~~Puppy Progress Report~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Irish Wolfhound puppies and sleep deprivation go hand in hand….. But I’ve had a couple decent naps….. …..the boogers are growing…..I’ve showered….. Every litter is different…..there is almost an over-all “litter personality”….. Where this group is relatively small (only 5)…..they are robust…..very large…..and maturing quickly….. Willow is producing more than enough milk for the five poopers… they have already started on…

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~The Bad Etiquette Of Hunters~

~The Bad Etiquette Of Hunters~

Let me start out by saying…..I have nothing against hunting….. I’ll prepare and eat venison…pheasant…turkey…wild pig…quail…grouse…alligator….. …..I grew up on rabbit…and squirrel…..(yes, squirrel)…..(but the big northern ones not the southern/scrawny ones)…..(the southern squirrels are just glorified/mangy/Disney-rats)….. I have nothing against hunting….. …..I do have a list of complaints about hunters though….. A couple days ago… older daughter and I were wandering around the back property….. …’s the dry season… we could get back farther than we normally would have been…

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So it’s not actually a Monday….. …..but in a lot of ways…..this morning felt like a Monday….. … know your day is going to be a challenge when it starts out like this….. …..first thing….. And then I went to the kitchen….. …..and found this…..   BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE…..!!!….. …..(while at the other end of the kitchen counter)….. …..there was sweet/non-controversial Gatsby….. …..helping himself to the left-over rice (which was intended for the Wolfhound’s breakfast)….. ………………….So Gird Your Loins…

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